Bongology - by Chris Stone
You’re doing WHAT with that traffic cone?
The same thing you’re doing with those bellows, that plastic recorder from third grade, and your grandma’s old teapot. You’re crafting it into a state-of-the-art bong, hookah, pipe, or vaporizer!
This hip manual for today’s DIY smoker—featuring 35 ingenious projects for crafting unique bongs from watering cans, pineapples, electric fans, and more—is perfect for penny-pinching stoners, eco-conscious cannabis rights advocates, and creative tokers ready for the bong revolution. So bust out those household materials and get crafting! With pimped up projects made from unexpected objects, this colorful book and the wares it produces will keep you chuckling—and tokin’—for hours. Yes, Grasshopper: Bongology is the way for artistic—or just plain crazy—stoners like yourself to take your craft to the “highest” level
The same thing you’re doing with those bellows, that plastic recorder from third grade, and your grandma’s old teapot. You’re crafting it into a state-of-the-art bong, hookah, pipe, or vaporizer!
This hip manual for today’s DIY smoker—featuring 35 ingenious projects for crafting unique bongs from watering cans, pineapples, electric fans, and more—is perfect for penny-pinching stoners, eco-conscious cannabis rights advocates, and creative tokers ready for the bong revolution. So bust out those household materials and get crafting! With pimped up projects made from unexpected objects, this colorful book and the wares it produces will keep you chuckling—and tokin’—for hours. Yes, Grasshopper: Bongology is the way for artistic—or just plain crazy—stoners like yourself to take your craft to the “highest” level